Library » Library Information

Library Information

The library at Robinson School is a great place to be.  It is a welcoming and warm place that fosters a love for reading a variety of books.  Over 300 new books have been added this year and there are more books added on a regular basis.  
The library houses a multitude of fiction and non-fiction books.  All students visit the library twice a week for checking out books and for learning library skills.  Students in grades K-2 are allowed to check out 1 book weekly.  Students in grades 3-5 may check out 2 books.  Some of the topics that are taught are library skills, about great authors and books, research skills, internet safety, and basic coding.  The librarian and the classroom teachers collaborate to design informational literacy lessons that integrate into the curriculum.  
If you have any questions, please contact our librarian Debi Thomos at [email protected].